Take Action
Take Action

Disruptive Change is Needed Now

Help Keep Our Oceans Clean.
Tell Congress We Need a New U.S. Recycling System
The U.S. produces over 292 million tons of municipal solid waste annually. If we don’t act now, U.S. landfills could reach their maximum capacity by 2030.
Encourage Federal Government Action on Recycling
Despite billions of dollars of investment, U.S. recycling levels have not improved in two decades. It’s time for a new discussion on recycling.
Support a Global Plastic Treaty
We share the oceans; we have one planet. Collective action is the only way to make progress on the plastic waste crisis.
Help Protect Our Oceans
Over 14 million tons of plastic are dumped into the oceans each year. Disruptive change is needed now to help protect our oceans from plastic waste.
Commit to Reducing Your Plastic Footprint
Most of us generate nearly a pound of plastic waste per day. We can help stop the ocean plastic crisis by reducing our individual footprints.